Ok, this one's for all of you who have wanted a better picture of my "baby bump." I had Derek take a picture of me yesterday to make sure we got at least one more belly shot. People are saying my belly is small, but it has been measuring right at term, as opposed to when I was pregnant wih Brinley, and I was much bigger, but my belly was measuring a week or two behind.(go figure) And even if I look small, I sure FEEL BIG! I've gotten quite uncomfortable, especially these last few days. At my last appointment, I was the Dr's last appointment of the day, so he took some extra time with us and answered all our questions about the rest of the pregnancy and possible induction. When I asked if he could tell what position the baby was in he said, "Why don't we do an ultrasound and look at her!" So we got another ultrasound, which was so fun! She's looking good, and still a girl! (Which I now have put more confidence in, because with only one ultrasound before, I still held a little unsurety.)
FYI, with Holley and Brinley both I was due on a sunday, and BOTH times, I was at church on my due date, and answering all the "when are you due?" questions with "right now." I both times was then induced the next day. Needless to say, I wasn't thrilled to find out my due date was a sunday AGAIN, and have imagined the same sunday due-date scenario happening all over again. So I was thrilled when my Dr. said that since I was measuring at term, he felt ok inducing me anytime past 39 weeks! ("what? you mean actually have a baby before my due date for a change?") In fact he even said he'd be willing to induce me on sunday the 10th if I was interested in having the baby on mothers day! He basically said pick a day that week! (YEAH!!!) We felt a little torn between the 10th and the 13th at first, but I kindof thought I'd prefer being pampered on mothers day, and be able to eat, and not be in pain, and in the hospital. Not to mention having to ask another mom to babysit my kids for me on THEIR mothers day. SOOOOO. . . unless by some unforeseen miracle, my body learns how to go into labor on it's own, (which is NOT very likely given my history, and look at that picture, I've SO not dropped yet.) we're planning on an induction on May 13th! (Derek's Birthday) Derek's thrilled about the idea of sharing his birthday, we only hope she won't mind it in the years to come. My mom was born on her mom's birthday, and my brother was born on my Dad's birthday, so ever since we found out how close my due date was to Derek's birthday, I've thought it would be cool if the baby came on his birthday! So I'm now down to 13 days to go or less! Oh how happy I am that it finally seems to be in sight. The bags are packed, and baysitting arrangements are in place. We still aren't positive on a name, but we think we're getting closer, and that it'll be a nice surprise to be able to announce a name when we announce the birth! (just pray we are set on one by then.) Anyway, this will most likely be my last post before we post BABY PICS!! (unless of course I get really bored, or ambitious, or get some real cute pictures of the girls.) So wish us luck, and watch for pictures in about a week and a half!
PS I posted a couple more things today too, so scroll down to see Derek and the girls, (much more fun to look at than me 9 months pregnant!)
It probably hasn't gone fast for you, but holy cow I can't believe it's already that close! Well good luck I hope you have her on Derek's Birthday! We love you and can't wait to see your new little one!
You look adorable, apparently you're one of the lucky few who really do "glow." I'm glad that the end is in sight for you and I hope that it all goes well. We look forward to seeing pictures!
You guys have such a cute family! You look absolutely wonderful for being 9 months pregnant! Congrats and good luck, we love you guys!
Now THAT is what I call a basketball! Love the picture. I love that it really does just look like you stuffed a big ball up your shirt. I'm excited to see you guys soon and take pictures of all your gorgeous girls! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
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